Confidential, tailored one to one coaching sessions
for people who want to improve or change their
career or improve their work performance
Group Seminars and public talks on all aspects
of the career journey
Executive coaching in organisations on positioning
and managing your career path
Training for all levels of management on career
coaching tools
advice on recruitment and transition policies &
strategies |
Alliances have been forged with recruitment
agencies, financial planners, health professionals,
management consultants, specialist industries, alternative
therapists and personal trainers to ensure a comprehensive
service. Some examples:-
Vivid Coaching professional
coaching, keynote speaking and seminars for individuals,
groups and organisations. - ACT www.vividcoaching.com.au
Mandala Consulting - Management
And Health Services Consulting Group - Facilitation
And Coaching - NSW www.mandalaconsulting.com.au
Hudsen Global Resources [Act Division]
Human Resources and Recruitment Services www.hudsonresourcing.com.au
"I got the position! They rang
me today after finally making a decision and they want
me to start next week. It was a very tough interview.
. I dont think I could have got the job without
your help".
Jamie Connors Feburary
"As of yesterday, I am permanent in the position!
I wanted to tell you that your assistance along the
way gave me every confidence to proceed with a reasonable
feeling that I was very well prepared. Thank you for
that - it was not just the professional advice you offered
but also the personal touch you add which made me feel
Wendy Gould January 2003
"The workshops in application and interview
techniques were a great success with my staff. They
can now see hope for themselves and their ability to
find jobs"
David Martin Defence Forces
Canberra December 2002
"Just wanted to say thanks for the Career skills
workshop today (and for all your work for the Network
this year). I think your connection with us has materialised
as one of the Network highlights of the year, and look
forward to continuing it in 2003."
Kerry Laughton Womenss
Network DOTARS December2002
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